Photo of Rare Colour Labradorite 925 Sterling Silver Pendant, Labradorite Necklace

Rare Colour Labradorite 925 Sterling Silver Pendant, Labradorite Necklace

New York, NY

This rare color Labradorite pendant is a stunning piece of jewelry that features a unique and beautiful stone. Labradorite is a type of feldspar mineral that is known for its iridescent and shimmering appearance. The pendant is carefully crafted to showcase the natural beauty of the stone, which features a range of colors including blues, greens, and purples that shift and change depending on the angle and lighting.

Buy it :- https://www.etsy.com/listing/1414197204/rare-colour-labradorite-925-sterling?click_key=005909635218708981a2f422d6fe34d8b06cf6cd%3A1414197204&click_sum=aa758893&ref=shop_home_active_24&pro=1&frs=1
