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Castro Valley, CA
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Castro Valley, CA
Photo of Heidschnucke Sheepskin Rug

Heidschnucke Sheepskin Rug

San Carlos, CA

Heidschnucke sheepskins are characterized by the "feathery character" of the upper layer and beautiful, natural colors, where the whole gives the impression of movement and fluidity. These skins have self-cleaning properties and a texture resistant to fraying. They are very easy to care for! Heidschnucke sheepskins have extremely beautiful colors, are pleasant to the touch and are very popular. Our tannery directly imports hides from the best ecological farms from all over the European Union, so we are sure of their quality and originality!


Prices may vary depending on the size of the skins.

* Shipping time depends on the order quantity

We are a company that has been on the market since 1978. Since 2005, in addition to traditional technologies, we have also started to introduce new products in the field of sheepskin tanning. Our mission is to always do our best to offer our customers the best!

So if you want to create a timeless interior - Heidschnucke will be a great choice!

Find out more on our website

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