Photo of The Greatest Keto Breads Recipe You Will Always Taste!

The Greatest Keto Breads Recipe You Will Always Taste!

New York, NY

KETO Breads contains 35 accurately formulated recipes written by Kelly Herring a seasoned nutritional expert with over two decades of experience.

Did you know that the biggest share of the calories in the American diet derives from refined flour? It is surprising to find that the average American eats almost 55 pounds of wheat flour annually. But what about the health effects of this heavy-bread diet? Studies reveal that bread and its related products can cause a significant boost in your blood sugar levels, greater even many other foods. This disclosure begs us to think about our eating habits and pick healthier alternatives for the sake of our health. https://nexus4wellnesstech.com/the-keto-breads-recipe-you-will-always-taste/
